Nicole Richie's drug abuse problem has been a source of entertainment for gossip magazines for a while. Everyone knows this Hollywood star struggles to be sober. What many people don't know, however, is the variety of drugs Nicole Richie loves to try. It's rumored that she has experienced everything from alcohol to crystal meth. With Nicole Richie focusing on the next illegal narcotic she can abuse, how does she even have time for her acting career? When asked why she ever tried drugs in the first place, Nicole Richie blamed it on her turbulent childhood. Nicole Richie was adopted by the infamous Lionel Richie at age nine. However, his bitter split from his wife caused the two adopted parents to give Nicole whatever she wanted. However, Nicole was not happy with all this freedom and happiness. She claims that she didn't want to feel so much happiness, she wanted to not feel anything at all. She took drugs to become numb, not to become happy. Make sense? I think not.
Nicole Richie has had many legal troubles. Richie's first legal run-in was in February of 2003 when she was stopped by police while driving madly on the Pacific Coast Highway in California. When the officer asked for her driver's license, Nicole claimed she "forgot" it. However, a search of her wallet not only showed that Nicole was driving with a suspended license, but the wallet also contained a balloon full of heroine. Nicole Richie was released on bail after paying $10,000.
On December 11, 2006, a few motorcyclists reported seeing a black mercedes-benz enter the highway from an exit ramp going in the wrong direction. The police pulled over Nicole Richie, who then proceeded to fail a sobriety test. She admitted to popping vicodin pills and using marijuana. On July 27, 2007, Nicole Richie was sentenced to four days in jail, but served only 82 minutes before checking into a Detention Center.
Aside from her legal run-ins, Nicole Richie has also been spotted many times getting drunk and doing cocaine with pal Paris Hilton. These two stars are known for their crazy partying and drug abuse. It is also a rumor on the Hollywood streets that Nicoel Richie is abusing crystal meth. She was seen the other day leaving W. Hollywood Recovery Center late Wednesday night. A look at the program shows that the Crystal Meth Anonymous meets on these specific nights. Is this already-messed-up star a crystal meth addict as well?
Although Nicole Richie is definately a great source of gossip, this girl needs to get some help. What drugs has she not done? She gets sloshed, pops Vicodin, gets high on merijuana and heroine and cocaine, and now she is doing meth. What will be the next drug Nicole Richie abuses? Honestly, there are not that many left for her to try!
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