We have not heard much about Mickey Rourke's drug and alcohol abuse lately. However, in mid-november of 2007, the actor was busted for a DUI after abusing alcohol at a Miami nightclub. Rourke is known for his acting in "Sin City", "Nine 1/2 Weeks" and "Wild Orchid". He has been busted repeatedly for abusing drugs.
On November 11, 2007, Rourke was pulled over in Miami on a scooter after he did an illegal u-turn at a red light right in front of a cop. He actually cut the police officer off! He then proceeded to swerve several times before he was finally pulled over. What an idiot. Rourke was pulled over at 4:20 am after partying at the famous Miami Beach nighclub Mansion. He was put in the Miami-Dade County Jail and was released with a $1,000 bond.
Not only was Rouke busted for a DUI on a green Vespa scooter, he was also known to be very uncooperative with the police officer. Rourke apprently greeted the officer saying cheerfully, "What the f--k did I do?" The police officer described the fifty-five year old saying he had, "a flushed face, bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech and a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath." However, Rourke claimed that, "I'm not drunk. I didn't even drink that much".
Officer Socarras administed a field sobriety test on what he described as, "a well-lit, dry, smooth, level surface." However, despite these more then adequate conditions, he "did not perform to standards." Rourke blew a 0.081, which barely exceeded the state's legal blood-alcohol limit. The officer also called for backup, claiming that Rourke's behavior was starting to become "uncooperative". This brings us back to old memories of Rourke when he resisted arrest in January of 1994.
This does not do well for Rourke's reputation, which is already not doing well after his bust for beating up his wife's drug dealer. He lost a role in a major Hollywood movie because of it. He beat the drug dealer up so much that he gave the man a concussion. Rourke was remembered saying, "I found this dude that had been giving my lady drugs. Where I'm from, if somebody is giving my wife heroin, you bet your a** I'm going to take a pop at him. I punched him - one punch and I gave him concussion. And I'm thinking, 'Oh s*t. I went for that movie the other day.' I call my agent and he says, 'You are out of the picture and you may never f**king work again.'" That was the end of that.
However, Mickey Rourke recently told a British magazine that he has been sticking strongly to his Catholic faith, which has helped him from returning to his abusive lifestyle. He claims that he avoids mental breakdowns by talking regularly to a priest. Rourke claims that, "I've talked to my priest a lot. I used to have to call him or the shrink when there was an explosion, because I was really good at not talking to anybody until there was an explosion." In Rourke's eight-year addiction period, he claims that he was close to committing suicide. He claims that he was only saved because of his strong faith in God. Well, if your religion can keep you sane, good luck Rourke. However, I don't really have much faith in you. Where was your faith in God that night when you were clubbing in Miami? Hm, good try.
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