Thursday, April 24, 2008

Owen Wilson Drops Movie Before Suicide Attempt

Owen Wilson was getting ready for a minor role in the upcoming movie, "Tropic Thunder", being filmed in Hawaii. However, Wilson will not be starring in the DreamWorks film. Wilson apparently dropped out of the movie. This was a couple weeks before his "accident". Sources claim that he was addicted to heroine and cocaine right before his apparent suicide attempt. The decision to drop out was a mutual decision between Wilson and director Ben Stiller. Playing the main roles in the movie are Jack Black and Robert Downey, Jr., while Wilson was supposed to have a minor role. Wilson's part was planning to be filmed just a week before he dropped out.

According to anonymous sources, a couple months before Wilson's suicide attempt, the actor was addicted to heroine and cocaine. He was also struggling with depression and hanging out with the wrong crowd. However, a rep for Wilson claimed that the rumor is untrue.

Wilson's drug use was also the main cause of his breakup with Kate Hudson on Memorial Day. A friend of Hudson's claims that, "The drugs and partying were a huge factor in the breakup. As much as she liked him, she didn’t want to be around that." Kate Hudson has a three-year-old son named Ryder who she had with Chris Robinson, her ex-husband. Robinson also had a drug problem, which could be another reason for Hudson's apprehension.

Everyone is worried about Wilson and his addiction to hard core drugs. Some people are so worried, moreover, that friend Woody Harrelson staged an intervention in Wilson's home in Hawaii in May. However, the intervention apparently did not work, and Wilson got more and more depressed, especially after Hudson got with Punk'd star Dax Shepard.

It killed Wilson that he could not be the one to make Kate happy. Although he is happy that she found someone she can be happy with, he is devestated that he cannot be that person. Wilson was hitting rock bottom while Hudson made out with Sheperd in an LA grocery store. Wilson visited St. Monica Church on August 23rd, right before his suicide attempt. His brother Luke Wilson found him in his home afterward apparently with a severely slashed wrist and having swallowed a bunch of pills.

Thank goodness that police got to Wilson in time. The actor was okay, and did not need to get his stomach pumped, although anti-depressants were definately in his blood stream. Wilson obviously has some serious issues to deal with. But everyone is glad that the actor is still alive and with us. Wilson does seem to be doing a bit better, and was seen recently having a good time on the beach with his brothers. Good luck Owen, we're all rooting for you.

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